Call for Paper

Feature Topic, Vol.18, No.7, 2021

  Call for Papers --Feature Topic, Vol.18, No.7, 2021
Collaborative Intelligence for Vehicular Internet of Things

Future vehicular Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems feature a large number of devices and multi-access environments where different types of communication, computing, and storage resources must be efficiently utilized. At the same time, novel services, such as cooperative autonomous driving and intelligent transport systems (ITS), that demand unprecedented high accuracy, ultra-low latency, and large bandwidth, are emerging. These services also have an extreme variance in user requirements and resource demands with respect to time, location, and  context. Hence, current research is no longer confined to improving reliable communication and system operation in the presence of highly mobile vehicles, which has been the main focus in the past. It is therefore important to empower future vehicular IoT systems with advanced features, such as real-time reactive and proactive cooperation and coordination among different agents (or decision makers), including vehicles, roadside units, base stations, pedestrians, and other entities.

Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) based approaches have been attracting great interest in empowering computer systems. Some collaborative learning approaches, such as federated learning and multi-agent systems, have been used to reduce network traffic and improve learning efficiency of some smartphone applications. In vehicular IoT systems, collaborative intelligence can be achieved via an efficient collaboration among heterogeneous entities, including vehicles, edges, and cloud. This special issue will focus on the technical challenges and the synergistic effect of collaboration among heterogeneous entities and AI in enabling intelligent perception of environment, intelligent networking, and intelligent processing of big data in vehicular IoT systems. We invite researchers to contribute their original research articles that will facilitate the development of vehicular IoT based on collaborative intelligence.

Submission Deadline: October 15, 2020
Acceptance Notification (1st round): December 5, 2020
Minor Revision Due: February 5, 2021
Final Decision Due: March 5, 2021
Final Manuscript Due: April 5, 2021
Publication Date: July 15, 2021
Celimuge Wu, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Kok-Lim Alvin Yau, Sunway University, Malaysia
Carlos Tavares Calafate, Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Lei Zhong, Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan
· Collaborative intelligence for sensing and perception in vehicular IoT
· Collaborative intelligence for vehicular networking
· Collaborative intelligence for task processing in vehicular IoT
· Collaborative architecture for vehicular IoT
· Collaborative learning approaches for vehicular environments
· Collaborative sensing, networking, and computing for intelligent vehicular IoT
· Security and privacy issues for collaborative intelligence in vehicular IoT
· Federated learning for vehicular IoT
· Multi-agent systems for vehicular IoT
· AI-based approaches for collaborative resource allocations in vehicular IoT
This feature topic “Collaborative Intelligence for Vehicular Internet of Things” invites submissions of high-quality original research papers in this dynamic and fast-growing field. Potential topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the areas listed above.
Papers should be submitted in two separate .doc files (preferred) or .pdf files: 1) Main Document (including paper title, abstract, key words, and full text); 2) Title page (including paper title, author affiliation, acknowledgement and any other information related with the authors’ identification) through the Manuscript Central. Please register or login at, then go to the author center and follow the instructions there. Remember to select “Collaborative Intelligence for Vehicular Internet of Things – July Issue, 2021” as your manuscript type when submitting; otherwise, it might be considered as a regular paper.
Each submission must be accompanied by the following information:
·   an abstract of about 150 words
·   3-8 keywords
·  original photographs with high-resolution (300 dpi or greater); eps. or tif. format is preferred
·  sequentially numbered references. The basic reference format is: author name, "article name", issue name(italic), vol, no., page, month, year. for example: Y.M Huang, "pervateture in wireless hetergeneous..",IEEE Journal on Selected Areas, vol.27, no. 5, pp 34-50, May, 2009.
·  brief biographies of authors (50-75 words)
·  contact information, including email and mailing addresses

Please note that each submission will normally be approximately 4500 words, with no more than 20 mathematical formulas, accomplished by up to 10 figures and/or tables.

Pubdate: 2020-03-13    Viewed: [an error occurred while processing this directive]