Submission Guideline
Brief Introduction
China Communications (Chinacom) is looking for innovative technical papers and academic thesis pertinent to Information and Communications Technologies sectors (ICTs). Major columns include: communications theories and systems, signal processing, artificial intelligence, internet, security, emerging technology and applications. Theoretical research papers and academic thesis presenting new techniques, concepts, or analyses, and applied contributions reporting on experiences and experiments are welcome. Innovative papers pertinent to ICTs such as best practices and solutions, lessons learned, case studies, management experiences are also welcome.
Author Guidelines
Manuscripts submitted for publication in Chinacom should normally be original work submitted exclusively to the journal, not previously published, nor under consideration for publication elsewhere (including the translation versions in any other languages). Authors submitting manuscripts for review and publication to Chinacom should be aware of the general publication policy and any other possible illegalities. It is the policy of Chinacom to decline the submission immediately and certain public criticism will follow when there is any unacceptable author conduct.
Submission Requirements
All papers should be submitted as PDF files through ScholarOne Manuscripts Central. Please register or login at, then go to the author center and follow the instructions there. Each submission must be accompanied by the following information:
1) an abstract of about 150 words
2) 3 or more key words
3) sequentially numbered references.
4) a complete list of authors and their affiliations
5) brief biographies of authors with high-resolution photographs
Please also bear in mind that every manuscript must be submitted in two separate files:
1) Main document (including paper title, abstract, key words, full text
2) Title page (including paper title and any info related with the authors identification
We kindly request that authors pay particular attention to above sections and the submission requirements before starting to write a paper.
Pubdate: 2015-11-09